Economic Development Resources

Business Acceleration Team (BAT)

The Business Acceleration Team (BAT) is a multi-disciplinary and collaborative team of business owners and professionals from the Tualatin Chamber that are committed to helping business owners help themselves to succeed in growing their businesses. In other words, “We Go to Bat for You!” They They offer structured mentoring and connections to resources for Chamber member business that are struggling in one or more areas of their business.

At a business’s request, a representative from BAT will meet with the business and present a packet of information which includes an application and a questionnaire to assess critical issues. Upon receiving the completed application, BAT will then assess if the business will be best served by the team or by providing a list of appropriate, relevant resources to address their particular challenges. If the business is accepted, the team and business will meet to discuss their current situation/challenges and recommend an action plan.

The BAT Team serves businesses that meet the following qualifications –  (1) Tualatin Chamber members; (2) struggling in one or more areas of their business; (3) coachable and teachable; (4) existing operating businesses in the area for one year or more.

Click here to learn more about BAT

Small Business Tool Box – A Resource Kit for Starting a New Business

The City’s launch of a the Small Biz Toolbox in June 2012 allows for high level information to help prospective business owners determine when, how, and who to work within the City and community to ensure a smooth flow between finding a location, obtaining all required permits and licenses and completing the construction on time.

Tualatin Demographics have been updated to provide a snap shot of the local economy, detail the development process, and provide contacts and resources to prospective new businesses.

The Development Process Review now includes the City reaching out to businesses to insure that they are made aware in a timely manner of any issues that need to be addressed and that there is a regular and specific communication between the City and the appropriate business representative to resolve the issue.

Economic Gardening – Growing Jobs and Local Economies by Nurturing the Businesses That Already Call Oregon Home!

Economic Gardening is a unique partnership between the City of Tualatin, Tualatin Chamber of Commerce and the Portland/Vancouver Regional Partners Council. It’s an economic development initiative that focuses on growing existing businesses within a community rather than concentrating on recruiting new companies from outside the region.

The program allows us to work with a consultant that can provide high level market information customized to the specific business to help them grow and expand. This information may contain competitive intelligence, industry and trend analysis, sales lead generation and new market identification. The purpose is to help the business identify market opportunities, to expand their base, research industry developments and to develop new products. EG is geared towards stage 2, mid-sized manufacturers that contain an export component (Nationally or Internationally).

Best of all, the program is FREE of CHARGE! Thanks to this incredible partnership program the City, Chamber and Consultant have visited with seven local Tualatin manufacturers. One of those companies implemented the market information and added over $200,000 to their bottom line and was able to hire 11 additional full time employees.

If you’re interested to see if your company qualifies for this incredible program please contact Matt Scheidegger at 503-691-3059 with the City of Tualatin or Anneleah Jaxen at 503-692-0780 with the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce.

Large Employer Outreach – Focuses on Building Relationships with Our Top Employers

The Chamber’s Economic Development Council conducts annual visits with top employers to better understand the needs of business. The EDC team includes the Chamber CEO, EDC Chair and City of Tualatin representative. Businesses are asked to participate in a survey asking a series of questions regarding the pluses and minuses of locating in Tualatin. Results of the survey are then used to fine tune and develop Tualatin as the “Best Place” to open a business.

The Chamber’s Annual Key Leaders Breakfast brings together top industry leaders, elected officials and non-profit partners on the first Thursday of March each year to discuss the current business climate and to determine their needs, concerns and opportunities for growth.

Quarterly communication updates regarding key issues affecting the business community are sent from the Chamber’s CEO to keep businesses informed.

Tourism – High Priority in Tualatin Thanks to a Grant from the Washington County Visitor’s Association

The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce received grant dollars to enhance it’s Visitor Information Center to position Tualatin as a tourist destination in the years to come.  The efforts were focused on utilizing elements from the Ice Age Tourism Plan to encourage visitors to shop in our stores, eat at our restaurants and stay in our hotels.  In the short term, the following updates have being made:

  • New Website highlighting what visitors can see and do in Tualatin

  • New roadside signing directing visitors to the Chamber’s Visitor Information Center

  • Adding a video kiosk to the City of Tualatin Library for Visitor Information and an outdoor kiosk to the Chamber’s office for visitors that come during evenings and weekends when the office is closed

  • Helping to develop Tualatin’s Ice Age Flood Trail Walk.

  • Creating a new Tualatin Rack Card Brochure

  • Creating a new Tualatin Map

  • Creating a new Tualatin Business & Community Guide

  • Creating a Multi-Media Strategy that encourages visitors to shop in our stores, eat at our restaurants and stay in our hotels

Tualatin chamber of commerce logo in white
Tualatin Chamber of Commerce
801 SW Nyberg St, Suite 102
Tualatin, OR 97062
(503) 692-0780
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